Baby Feet ®
Moisturizing Cream

Help your feet take a dip in moisture with the new Moisturizing Cream by Baby Feet®

Benefits of Baby Feet

Get the smooth feet you have always wanted with Baby Feet Moisturizing Cream. Your feet should soon feel as smooth as a baby's would.
Restore Moisture
Restores Moisture
It will help keep your feet smooth, hydrated, and comfortable. Just a little bit of pampering can make you feel stronger, healthier, happier, and more confident.
Gentle on Skin
Gentle on Skin
Baby Foot Moisturizing Cream utilizes the science of nature to keep your feet feeling soft and hydrated all day long.
BabyFoot Moisturizing Cream Tube

Experience Softer Feet

Baby Feet® contains natural extracts which have a high moisturizing power, thus the soles becomes smooth. It also maintains and adds moisture to the skin.

How to Use

Apply Moisturizing Cream
Simply rub it between your palms to warm it up.
Massage Into Feet
Then apply it to your feet. Feel free to use it over the whole foot.
Enjoy Softer, Moisturized Skin
Enjoy Ridiculously Soft Feet.

Rehydrate Your Best Friends

Baby Feet® contains natural extracts which have a high moisturizing power which adds moisture to the skin.
Arnica Montana Flowers
Hedera Helix Ivy
Sambucus Nigra Flowers

Order Baby Feet® Now

Product Information

Babyfeet Cream: $19.95
Taxes: $0.00
Shipping: $3.42
Order Total: $23.37

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